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Welcome to the home of National Parental Involvement Day & Public School Volunteer Week!

Family Engagement Toolbox
Order the Family Engagement Toolbox – your comprehensive solution for fostering high-impact family engagement in your schools! With this powerful collection of evidence-based tools, resources, and strategies, you'll be equipped to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that supports the learning and development of your students. Designed and based on the Six Slices of Family Engagement, this program offers a high-impact approach to family engagement, allowing you to mobilize families and enhance student outcomes. Order your school's Family Engagement Toolbox today and take the first step towards building strong, lasting relationships with families.
The Family Engagement Toolbox provides a wide range of evidence-based resources, including the Parent Engagement Pledge & Parent Engagement Report Card, Parent Activity Guide and Strategies for Engaging Families, Reimagine Family Engagement PowerPoint, the Family Engagement Game, and more. These tools will help you organize and implement effective parent engagement strategies, involve families in school activities, and improve communication and collaboration. By utilizing the Family Engagement Toolbox, you'll create a positive and inclusive school community that supports the success of all students. Upgrade your family engagement efforts and make a lasting impact with the Family Engagement Toolbox.
Professional Development: If desired, Project Appleseed also offers staff professional development thru the Basic and Multi-Year Planning Traveling Workshops on Family Engagement and Family Engagement Toolbox Training to help you successfully implement our program. All staff should be welcoming, accessible, and available to minimize barriers to family participation.
Order Lifetime or Annual Toolbox Reproduction Rights: When you order the Family Engagement Toolbox, you have the option to choose between lifetime or annual reproduction rights. This means you'll receive master copies of all documents in Adobe PDF format via email, ready for unlimited duplication and distribution. No matter the time of year, you can place your order, and we'll deliver the resources to you within one week.
1. The Parent Engagement Pledge & Report Card - For all families!

Unlock the full potential of high-impact family engagement with our custom branded Parent Engagement Toolbox. Complete with your school's logo on the Parent Engagement Pledge and Parent Engagement Report Card, this comprehensive toolkit equips you with all the resources necessary to organize and implement effective parent engagement strategies, aligned with district, state, and Title I ESSA mandates. Samples: Parent Engagement Pledge, Parent Engagement Report Card, Certificates of Family Engagement.
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2. Parent Activity Guide and Strategies for Engaging Families

The Family Engagement toolbox provides various resources to help schools engage families in their children's education. One of the strategies included in the toolbox is the New Parent Activity Handbook 2024-25. This is a comprehensive guide that offers 100 ideas and suggestions for school-based activities and events that involve families and promote positive school-home partnerships. Celebrate the dedicated volunteers who support your students' education by participating in National Parental Involvement Day and Public School Volunteer Week and 150 Days of Family Engagement Activities. Other resources include our Strategies for Engaging Families Guide and PTA Partnership Standards Overview, which outlines best practices to enhance family engagement.
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3. PowerPoint: Reimagine Family Engagement

Project Appleseed is excited to present a comprehensive tool for educators and families to enhance their understanding of the crucial role of parental engagement in schools. Our Reimagine Family Engagement PowerPoint presentation delves into the significance of family involvement in the education of children, and how it is linked to improved social, academic, and health outcomes. It also outlines the key components of successful parent engagement programs and provides valuable resources for planning and implementing these programs with the support of Project Appleseed. This professional development tool will empower your school community to take a proactive approach to parent engagement and make a positive impact on the education and well-being of students.
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4. The Family Engagement Game!

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